Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis # minggu 1
Differences in use of
words in English sentences below, namely:
1. Some
Some words have
multiple meanings in Indonesian. So if the object which we will specify more
than one word we can use some as penjelasnya. Some words we put right in front
of the noun which we will explain in number. Some / few used on nouns that can
be calculated [countable noun] and can not be calculated [uncountable noun] but
its use only in a positive sentence alone. Examples of its use in a sentence
Example 1: [+] I need
some apples for making fruit salad.
Example 2: [+] The
seller pour some milk into the porridge.
Note: some of this word
can only be used for positive sentences or sentence only news. So do not use
some words if you will make a sentence negative or interrogative sentence.
2. Any
In any Indonesian has
many meanings. However, any word can only be used in negative sentences or
sentence just ask. Any word as well as some said, was also placed right in
front of the noun. Example sentence is:
Example 1: [-] I do not
have any foods to be eaten.
Example 2: [?] Do you
have any coffee?
Example 3: [-] Mother
does not buy any apples.
Note: In the first and
third sentences are any examples used in negative sentences. While the second
sentence is the word used in a sentence any questions. Do not forget to add an
s to every noun that can be calculated.
3. Many
Many have much meaning
in Indonesian. If any is used in negative sentences and sentence asked the many
words used in sentences news. However, many words can only be used to describe
a noun that can be calculated only. Many / lot used only on nouns that can be
calculated [countable noun] and its use in a positive sentence [+] negative
[-], and interrogative [?]. Examples of the use of many in a sentence:
Example 1: [+] I have
so many books in my book shelf.
Example 2: [+] Joni has
many T-shirts in the cupboard.
Example 3: [-] There
are not many chairs in the classroom.
4. Much
Much have the same
meaning as the many that much. Then what is the difference with many words? If
many are used for objects that can be counted so much is used for objects that
can not be calculated. Examples of its use in a sentence is:
Example 1: [+] I have
so much coffee in my cabinet.
Example 2: [+] There is
much ink in the bottle. (Edited)
Example 3: [-] I do not
have much money anymore.
Example 4: [?] Does the
mother need much salt.
5. A lot of
can be used both for
objects that can be counted or not counted. This means that can be used to
change the position of Many. What distinguishes the Many and Much is that the
usage habits. A lot of just plain used in a positive sentence. Example:
Example 1: [+] I have a
lot of friends WHO always stand by me.
Example 2: [+] How much
money do you have? I have a lot of money.
Example 3: [+] There
are a lot of shoes in the shoe shop.
Example 4: [+] Helena
needs a lot of money to buy a car.
6. A FEW
A FEW LITTLE or little
meaning. A few nouns that can be calculated. While a little for nouns that can
not be counted in number. Example:
A few children =
little children
A few house = little
A few cats = little
A little coffee =
little coffee
A little sugar = less
A little water = less
Note: Keep in mind when
we make a sentence with the word FEW and LITTLE should use a front. If penlisan
few and little is not accompanied by a, then it means not a little. Words such
as: ice, water, sugar, coffee, and tea can not be formed plural.
in the use of the article / article with the words in English below, namely:
Article is an adjective
(adjective) showing how specific or how common a word is a noun. There are
three types of articles, namely: the, a / an, and who do not have the article
(zero article).
Differences in use of
the article A vs. AN.
As the article, 'a' and
'an' meaning is one. In Indonesian, the article can be translated into an / an
/ an / a ff. It depends on the noun that follows. For example,
• an apple an apple =
• A lady = woman
• a tiger = tiger
• a leaf = leaf, and so
The use of A and AN
1) a and an only be
followed by a singular nouns (singular), tetapitidak been directly followed by
uncountable nouns (objects can not be calculated). By him, would INCORRECT if
you write,
• I need a water.
(Water: uncountable noun)
• I just ate a bread.
(Bread: uncountable noun)
• She just heard a bad
news about her parents. (News: uncountable noun)
This sentence will be
true if a removed or if the article before uncountable nouns (ie water and
bread) added a graduated (container) or measure that serves to express how much
/ volume / size of the uncountable nouns.
• I need water. Or I
need a glass of water.
• I just ate bread. Or:
I just ate a big slice of bread.
• She just heard bad
news about her parents. Or: She just heard a piece of bad news about her
Whenever we use a and
when we use an can be read on topikNoun (part 2): countable. In addition,
belonging to dalamuncountable noun noun must also be known, because an article
a and not used if followed by uncountable nouns.
2) a and an are used to
express a singular noun in general (in general). Example:
A football is usually made of leather.
(Leather = skin. Note: in this context, do not use the word skins. Leather is
animal skin that has been processed).
An artist should keep a good
relationship with the fans.
3) a and an are used to
refer to a singular noun that has never been mentioned before. Example:
I met a guy last night.
My company just built a new skyscraper.
(Skyscraper = skyscrapers)
use THE article
There are a few rules
that you must understand the use of articlethe.
• The commonly used to
refer to a noun that has been previously pernahdisebutkan. Given the, noun in
question to be more specific. Can be countable noun, can also uncountable noun.
If countable noun, the noun can be singular, can also plural. In this case, the
may mean that or it, or sometimes this. Example:
I met a guy last
night. The guy asked my number and Whether I would go out for a date. (Number =
telephone number, date = date). In this sentence, the can be replaced with
The water in my well
is Contaminated. (Well = well, Contaminated = contaminated). In this sentence,
the ill-fitting if replaced with that, because the "water" in this
sentence has been explained by the "in my well". Try translate, feels
awkward is not it?
Three students did
not perform well in my exam. The (three) students had not studied hard enough
before the exam. In this sentence, katathree is optional: can be used, can also
be eliminated, because its meaning has been understood by the listener or
reader. In this sentence, the can be replaced with Reviews those / These. If
you are still in doubt in the use of Reviews those / These will be more secure
if you use the.
There are many
persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have a hard time to find the
Agnes Monica sings Matahariku WHO.
Instead, the unused if
we talk about uncountable nouns or plural nouns in general (in general).
Water needs to be
conserved. (The water needs to be conserved / protected).
Sugar is sweet.
(Sugar (taste) sweet).
Durians are very smelly.
(Duarian-durian very smell / odor hard).
Lazy students hardly
get good grades. (Students are lazy hardly ever gets good grades).
Words such as
breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper (= dinner), school, church, home, and colleges
generally do not require the article. However, if the noun is referenced, then
the required article. Example:
We go to school
everyday. Starting next week, however, the school will be bulldozed by the
government. (Be bulldozed = razed to the ground by using a bulldozer).
Jenny and I just
finished having lunch at the cafeteria. I thanked her because she paid for the
I am very tired. I'd
like to go home.
Rules others in
determining whether the use or not, can be seen in the following table. Note:
the being used on nouns in the following table are generally not mean
"the", to him, it can not be replaced with that.
Use THE to: Do not
use THE for:
Name ocean, sea,
rivers, bays, lakes plural (the name of the lake consists of 2 lakes or more).
Example: the Atlantic
Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great Lakes, the
Citarum River Name of the lake
Example: Lake Toba,
Lake Batur, Lake Erie
Name mountains
Example: the Rocky
Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan mountain Name
Example: Mount Merapi,
Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.
Earth, moon, sun
Example: the earth, the
moon, the sun Name planets (besides Earth), constellations
Example: Mars, Venus,
Name of school,
university, college if schools, universities, colleges placed in front.
Example: the School of
Cooper's Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the College of Arts and Sciences.
Name of school, university, college if schools, universities, colleges placed
Example: Cooper's Art
school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.
Ordinal number before
Example: the Second
World War, the third chapter Cardinal number after nouns
Example: World War Two,
Chapter three.
Name of war (except
World War)
Example: the Korean
War, the Crimean War, the Civil War
Name a country that
consists of two words or more (except Great Britain)
Example: the United
States of America, the Central African Republic if the country name consists of
only one word
Example: Indonesia,
China, Canada, France
Name continent
Example: Asia, Europe,
South America.
Name of the state
/ province
Example: Florida, Ohio,
California, Manitoba, East Java, North Sulawesi.
Historic documents
Example: the
constitution, the Magna Carta
Name Sports
Example: basketball,
football, tennis
Abstract noun
Example: freedom,
Example: mathematics,
Economics, sociology
Name feast
Example: Christmas,
Thanksgiving, Eid, Independence day
The use of a / an in
more detail
Every night, I take a
coffee for my father and we begin talk about business, football, and many other
things. (In this sentence, not so specifically what kind of coffee was served.
No specific coffee they like and of course they can be alternated types of
Call a policeman when
you see the robber walk here. (The sentence is just showing that a person is
required to call the police, whoever it if he cops fat, skinny, women, or men,
certainly not a problem. Because the most important thing is the police.)
Note: Remember that the
use of a / an had to look at the words of the earliest letters in a word. If a
consonant, then use a, and if the vocals then use an. Here are the complete
rules of the use of both of these systems.
A + A noun that has a
consonant at the beginning of the word. Example: a zoo, a mountain, a chair, a
bike, a fan, a book, and a ruler.
A + A noun that
begins with a consonant sound. Although the noun begins with a vowel, but if
the sound consonant then it is definitely still using A. Example: a university,
a user, and a unit. The third noun is preceded by vowel, but these are read
with the prefix "yoo" (yoo-zer, yoo-nit).
An + A noun that
begins with a vowel either penyebutannya or words itself. Example: an apple, an
airplane, an ax, an ant, an egg, and an idiot.
Those were the things
that you should know in the use of a / s, then the next step you will be given
a special understanding of the use of the.
The use of a more
I usually read the book
in a bus when I go to school. (We are talking here of a book that was clear. It
may be that someone in the sentence just read one book every piece he left
I am going give you the
video game next week. (Video games which will be given the obvious point,
perhaps the video game is the favorite video games are highly desired by
someone other person in the sentence.
Broadly speaking, the
use of verbal and written sentence includes to it. Then, there are important
rules regarding the use of the geography of the system which will be described
in the following points.
Do not use the
Geography following system:
Most countries or
regions (For example, Canada, China, New Zealand)
City, the capital
city or country (for example Ottawa, Paris, California, France)
Road (For example
Front Street, Lakeview Avenue, Dogwood Crescent)
lake (eg Lake
Ontario, Lake Placid, Bear Lake, Lake Toba)
Gulf (example Fundy
Mount (for example
Kilimanjaro, Krakatau, Mount Everest)
Continent (for
example America, Africa, Australia, Asia)
Island (Sumatra,
Java, Madagascar)
Use The before the
names of the following:
river, ocean, sea (eg
the Mississippi River, the Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean)
bay using the
"bay" at the beginning (eg the Bay of Fundy, the Bay of Bengal)
Peninsula (eg the
Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula)
Mountains (eg the
Rockies, the Dolomites, the Laurentians, the Bukit Barisan)
Pole (eg the North
geographic area (for
example, the Middle East, the South)
deserts and forests
(eg the Gobi Desert, the Black Forest)...
Bahasa Indonesia
Perbedaan Penggunaan kata-kata dalam kalimat bahasa inggris dibawah ini, yaitu :
1. Some
Kata some memiliki arti beberapa dalam
bahasa Indonesia. Jadi jika benda yang kita akan sebutkan lebih dari satu kita
dapat menggunakan kata some sebagai penjelasnya. Kata some ini kita letakkan
persis di depan kata benda yang akan kita jelaskan jumlahnya. Some/ beberapa
digunakan pada kata benda yang bisa dihitung [countable
noun] dan tidak bisa dihitung [uncountable noun] tetapi
penggunaanya hanya pada kalimat positif saja. Contoh penggunaannya dalam
kalimat adalah:
Example 1 : [+] I
need some apples for making fruit salad.
Example 2 : [+] The seller pour some milk into the porridge.
Note :
Kata some ini hanya dapat digunakan untuk kalimat positif atau kalimat berita
saja. Jadi jangan gunakan kata some jika anda akan membuat suatu kalimat
negatif atau kalimat tanya.
2. Any
Dalam bahasa Indonesia any memiliki arti
banyak. Namun kata any hanya dapat digunakan dalam kalimat negatif atau kalimat
tanya saja. Kata any seperti halnya kata some, juga diletakkan persis di depan
kata benda. Contoh kalimatnya adalah:
Example 1 : [-] I don’t have any foods to be eaten.
Example 2 : [?] Do you have any coffee?
Example 3 : [-] Mother doesn’t buy any apples.
Note : Pada
kalimat pertama dan ketiga adalah contoh any yang digunakan dalam kalimat
negatif. Sedangkan kalimat kedua adalah kata any yang digunakan dalam kalimat
tanya. Jangan lupa juga untuk menambahkan huruf s pada setiap kata benda yang
dapat dihitung.
3. Many
Many memiliki arti banyak dalam bahasa
Indonesia. Jika any digunakan dalam kalimat negatif dan kalimat tanya maka kata
many digunakan dalam kalimat berita. Namun kata many hanya dapat digunakan
untuk menjelaskan kata benda yang dapat dihitung saja. Many/banyak digunakan
hanya pada kata benda yang bisa dihitung [countable noun] dan
penggunaanya pada kalimat positif [+], negatif [-], dan
interrogative [?]. Contoh penggunaan many dalam suatu kalimat:
Example 1 : [+] I have so many books in my book shelf.
Example 2 : [+] Joni has many T-shirt in the cupboard.
Example 3 : [-] There
are not many chairs in the classroom.
4. Much
Much memilki arti yang sama dengan many
yaitu banyak. Lalu apa perbedaannya dengan kata many? Jika many digunakan untuk
benda-benda yang dapat dihitung maka much digunakan untuk benda-benda yang
tidak dapat dihitung. Contoh penggunaannya dalam suatu kalimat adalah:
Example 1 : [+] I have so much coffee in my cabinet.
Example 2 : [+] There is much ink in the bottle. (edited)
Example 3 : [-] I don’t
have much money anymore.
Example 4 : [?] Does mother need much salt.
5. A
lot of
bisa digunakan baik untuk benda yang
bisa dihitung maupun yang tidak bisa dihitung. Artinya bisa digunakan untuk
mengganti posisi Many. Yang membedakan dengan Many dan Much adalah bahwa kebiasaan
penggunaannya. A lot of hanya biasa digunakan dalam kalimat positif. Contoh:
Example 1 : [+] I have a lot of friends who always stand by me.
Example 2 : [+] How much money do you
have? I have a lot of money.
Example 3 : [+] There are a lot of shoes in the shoe
Example 4 : [+] Helena needs a
lot of money to buy a car.
A FEW atau Little
artinya SEDIKIT. A few untuk kata benda yang dapat dihitung. Sedangkan a little
untuk kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung jumlahnya.
@ A few children = sedikit anak-anak
@ A few house = sedikit rumah-rumah
@ A few cats = sedikit kucing-kucing
@ A little coffee = sedikit kopi
@ A little sugar = sedikit gula
@ A little water = sedikit air
Note : Perlu diingat bila kita membuat kalimat yang disertai
dengan kata FEW dan LITTLE harus menggunakan A didepannya. Jika penlisan few
dan little tidak disertai a, maka artinya bukan sedikit. Kata-kata seperti: es,
air, gula, kopi, dan teh tidak dapat dibentuk jamak.
penggunaan artikel/article dengan kata-kata dalam bahasa inggris dibawah ini,
yaitu :
Artikel merupakan sebuah bentuk kata sifat (adjective) yang
menunjukkan seberapa khusus atau seberapa umum sebuah kata kata benda. Ada tiga
jenis artikel, yaitu: the, a/an, dan yang tidak memiliki article (zero
@ Perbedaan
penggunaan article A vs AN.
Sebagai article, ‘ a ‘ dan ‘ an ‘
artinya adalah satu. Dalam bahasa Indonesia, kedua article ini dapat
diterjemahkan menjadi sebuah/seorang/seekor/sehelai dst. Hal ini tergantung
dari noun yang mengikutinya. Misalnya,
an apple =
sebuah apel
a lady =
seorang wanita
a tiger =
seekor harimau
a leaf =
sehelai daun, dst.
@ Penggunaan
A dan AN
1) a dan an
hanya dapat diikuti oleh singular nouns (benda tunggal), tetapitidak
pernah secara langsung diikuti oleh uncountable nouns (benda tidak dapat
dihitung). Olehnya itu, akan INCORRECT jika anda menulis,
I need a water. (water:
uncountable noun)
I just ate a bread. (bread:
uncountable noun)
She just heard a bad
news about her parents. (news: uncountable noun)
Kalimat ini akan menjadi benar jika
article a dihilangkan atau jika di depan uncountable nouns (i.e.
water dan bread) ditambahkan penakar (container) atau pengukur yang berfungsi
untuk menyatakan berapa banyak/volume/ukuran dari uncountable nouns tersebut.
I need water. Atau I
need a glass of water.
I just ate bread. Atau: I
just ate a big slice of bread.
She just heard bad news about
her parents. Atau: She just heard a piece of bad
news about her parents.
Kapan kita gunakan a dan kapan
kita gunakan an dapat dibaca pada topikNoun (part 2):
Countable. Selain itu, noun yang tergolong ke dalamuncountable noun juga
harus diketahui, sebab article a dan an tidak digunakan
jika diikuti oleh uncountable nouns.
2) a dan an digunakan
untuk mengekspresikan sebuah singular noun secara umum (in general). Contoh:
A football is usually made of
leather. ( leather = kulit. Note: dalam konteks ini, jangan gunakan
kata skin. Leather adalah animal skin yang sudah diolah).
An artist should keep a good
relationship with fans.
3) a dan an digunakan
untuk merujuk ke sebuah singular noun yang belum pernah disebutkan sebelumnya.
I met a guy last night.
My company just built a new
skyscraper. (skyscraper = gedung pencakar langit)
@ Penggunaan
article THE
Ada beberapa rules yang harus anda
pahami dalam penggunaan articlethe.
The umumnya digunakan untuk merujuk
noun yang sudah pernahdisebutkan sebelumnya. Dengan adanya the, noun
yang dimaksud menjadi lebih spesifik. Noun tersebut bisa countable, bisa juga
uncountable noun. Jika countable noun, noun tersebut bisa singular, bisa juga
plural. Dalam hal ini, the dapat berarti tersebut atau itu, atau
kadang-kadang ini. Contoh:
ü I
met a guy last night. The guy asked my number and whether I would go
out for a date. (number = nomor telepon, date = kencan). Dalam kalimat
ini, the bisa digantikan dengan that.
ü The water
in my well is contaminated. (well = sumur, contaminated = terkontaminasi).
Dalam kalimat ini, the tidak pas kalau digantikan dengan that,
karena “water” di kalimat ini sudah diterangkan oleh “in my well“. Coba
terjemahkan, terasa janggal bukan?
ü Three
students didn’t perform well in my exam. The (three) students hadn’t
studied hard enough before the exam. Dalam kalimat ini,
katathree adalah optional: bisa digunakan, bisa juga dihilangkan, karena
maknanya sudah dipahami oleh lawan bicara atau pembaca. Di kalimat
ini, the dapat digantikan dengan those/these. Jika anda masih
ragu dalam penggunaan those/these, akan lebih aman jika anda gunakan the.
ü There
are many persons named Agnes Monica on Facebook. You will have hard time to
find the Agnes Monica who sings Matahariku.
Sebaliknya, the tidak
digunakan jika kita membicarakan uncountable nouns atau plural nouns secara
umum (in general). Contoh:
ü Water needs
to be conserved. (Air perlu dikonservasi/dilindungi).
ü Sugar is
sweet. (Gula (rasanya) manis).
ü Durians are
very smelly. (Duarian-durian sangat bau/baunya keras).
ü Lazy
students hardly get good grades. (Murid-murid yang malas hampir tidak
pernah mendapat nilai-nilai bagus).
@ Kata
seperti breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper (= dinner), school, church, home, dan
college pada umumnya tidak membutuhkan article. Tetapi, jika noun ini dirujuk,
barulah article the diperlukan. Contoh:
ü We
go to school everyday. Starting next week,
however, the school will be bulldozed by the government. (be
bulldozed = diratakan dengan tanah dengan menggunakan bulldozer).
ü Jenny
and I just finished having lunch at the cafetaria. I thanked her
because she paid for the lunch.
ü I
am very tired. I’d like to go home.
@ Rules
yang lain dalam menentukan apakah the digunakan atau tidak, dapat dilihat
pada tabel berikut. Note: the yang digunakan pada nouns di tabel
berikut pada umumnya tidak berarti “tersebut”, olehnya itu, tidak dapat
digantikan dengan that.
Gunakan THE untuk:
Jangan gunakan THE
Nama samudra, laut,
sungai, teluk, plural lakes (nama danau yang terdiri dari 2 danau atau
Contoh: the
Atlantic Ocean, the Pacific Ocean, the Java Sea, the Persian Gulf, the Great
Lakes, the Citarum River
Nama danau
Contoh: Lake
Toba, Lake Batur, Lake Erie
Nama pegunungan
Contoh: the Rocky
Mountains, the Andes, the Bukit Barisan
Nama gunung
Contoh: Mount
Merapi, Mount Semeru, Mount Kilimanjaro. Mount Everest.
Earth, moon, sun
Contoh: the
earth, the moon, the sun
Nama planet (selain
bumi), rasi bintang
Contoh: Mars,
Venus, Orion,
Nama sekolah,
universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di depan.
Contoh: the
School of Cooper’s Art, the University of Gadjah Mada, the college of Arts
and Sciences.
Nama sekolah,
universitas, college jika sekolah, universitas, college ditempatkan di
Contoh: Cooper’s
Art school, Gadjah Mada University, Sante Fe Community College.
Ordinal number
sebelum nouns
Contoh: the
Second World War, the third chapter
Cardinal number
setelah nouns
Contoh: World
War Two, Chapter three.
Nama perang (kecuali
perang dunia)
Contoh: the
Korean War, the Crimean War, the Civil War
Nama negara yang
terdiri dari 2 kata atau lebih (kecuali Great Britain)
Contoh: the
United States of America, the Central African Republic
Nama negara jika
hanya terdiri dari satu kata
Contoh: Indonesia,
China, Canada, France
Nama benua
Contoh: Asia,
Europe, South America.
Nama state/province
Contoh: Florida,
Ohio, California, Manitoba, Jawa Timur, Sulawesi Utara.
Dokumen bersejarah
Contoh: the
constitution, the Magna Carta
Nama Olahraga
Contoh: basketball,
football, tennis
Noun abstract
Contoh: freedom,
Bidang ilmu
Contoh: mathematics,
Economics, sociology
Nama hari raya
Contoh: Christmas,
Thanksgiving, Idul Fitri, Independence day
Penggunaan a/an secara lebih
night, I take a coffee
for my father and we begin talk about business, football, and many other
things. (Dalam
kalimat ini, tidak begitu spesifik jenis kopi apa yang dihidangkan. Tidak ada
kopi spesifik yang mereka sukai dan tentu mereka bisa saja berganti-ganti jenis
Call a policeman
when you see the robber walk here. (Kalimat tersebut hanya
menunjukkan bahwa seseorang diharuskan untuk memanggil polisi, siapapun itu
apakah ia polisi gemuk, kurus, wanita, atau pria, tentu tidak masalah. Karena
yang terpenting adalah polisi.)
Note : Ingat bahwa penggunaan a/an harus melihat
pada kata huruf yang paling awal di sebuah kata. Jika konsonan, maka gunakanlah
a, dan jika vocal maka gunakanlah an. Berikut aturan lengkap sistem penggunaan
kedua hal tersebut.
@ A
+ Sebuah kata benda yang mempunyai konsonan di awal kata. Contoh : a zoo, a
mountain, a chair, a bike, a fan, a book, dan a ruler.
@ A
+ Sebuah kata benda yang dimulai dengan bunyi konsonan. Meskipun kata benda ini
dimulai dengan huruf vocal, tetapi jika bunyinya konsonan maka sudah pasti
tetap menggunakan A. Contoh : a university, a user, dan a unit. Ketiga kata
benda tersebut memang diawali dengan huruf vocal, namun kesemuanya dibaca
dengan awalan “yoo” (yoo-zer, yoo-nit).
@ An
+ Sebuah kata benda yang diawali dengan huruf vokal baik penyebutannya maupun
kata-katanya itu sendiri. Contoh : an apple, an airplane, an axe, an ant, an
egg, dan an idiot.
hal-hal yang harus Anda ketahui dalam penggunaan a/an, kemudian pada tahap
selanjutnya Anda akan diberikan pemahaman khusus mengenai penggunaan the.
Penggunaan the secara lebih
usually read the book
in a bus when I go to school. (Kita disini sedang berbicara
sebuah buku yang sudah jelas maksudnya. Bisa jadi, seseorang di dalam kalimat
tersebut hanya membaca satu buah buku setiap ia berangkat sekolah.)
am going give you the video
game next week. (Video game yang akan diberikan
sudah jelas maksudnya, mungkin video game tersebut merupakan video game favorit
yang sangat diinginkan oleh lawan bicara seseorang dalam kalimat tersebut.
garis besar, penggunaan the dalam kalimat verbal dan tulisan mencakup kepada
hal tersebut. Kemudian, ada aturan penting mengenai penggunaan the dalam sistem
geografi yang akan dijelaskan dalam poin-poin berikut ini.
gunakan The pada sistem Geografi berikut ini:
@ Sebagian
besar negara atau wilayah (Misalkan Canada, China, New Zealand)
@ Kota,
ibu kota kota atau negara (Misalnya Ottawa, Paris, California, France)
@ Jalan
(Misalnya Front Street, Lakeview Avenue, Dogwood Crescent)
@ Danau
(Misalnya Lake Ontario, Lake Placid, Bear Lake, Lake Toba)
@ Teluk
(Misalnya Fundy Bay)
@ Gunung
(Misalnya Kilimanjaro, Krakatau, Mount Everest)
@ Benua
(Misalnya America, Africa, Australia, Asia)
@ Pulau
(Sumatra, Java, Madagaskar)
@ Gunakan
The sebelum nama-nama berikut ini:
@ Sungai,
samudra, laut (misalnya the Mississippi River, the Atlantic Ocean, the
@ Teluk
yang menggunakan “bay” di awal (misalnya the Bay of Fundy, the Bay of Bengal)
@ Semenanjung
(misalnya the Persian Gulf, the Arabian Peninsula)
@ Pegunungan
(misalnya the Rockies, the Dolomites, the Laurentians, the Bukit Barisan)
@ Kutub
(misalnya the North Pole)
@ Wilayah
geografis (misalnya the Middle East, the South)
@ Padang
pasir dan hutan (misalnya Gobi Desert, the Black Forest)
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